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Thursday, 2 May 2013

Importance of Learning SEO for Blogging Success

Posted By Ravi Patel on Thursday, 2 May 2013

In earlier days of blogging, when there were little blogs, people didn’t face much difficulty in getting their blogs ranked in SERPs, but for last two to three years, blogging has got an immense popularity among all ages. Now the scenario is that; number of blogs being added on the World Wide Web each day is even more than babies are born. So to get your blog out of this crowd and to get it ranked well among SERPs, you need to learn search engine optimization in depth and without knowing modern SEO; you are not going to feature your blog on the web at any cost.

Without SEO, Your Blog is a Personal Diary

I believe that if you don’t know well about SEO, then your blog is similar to your personal diary where you write daily but no one knows about it. Search engines are the biggest source of free and targeted traffic and if you don’t optimize your content for them, then you can’t expect success with blogging.

SEO is Superior than Quality

You will read everywhere that quality content is the king which wins the race for you, but I believe that SEO is more important than content quality. If you don’t do a good SEO for your blog posts, then search engines will ignore to rank it. It doesn’t matter really how superb the quality of the content is. Once you optimize your blog posts for search engines, then search engines will rank them in SERPs. People will find your posts from search engines and then quality will work either your content delivers value or not.

So Where to Learn SEO

You can start learning SEO from forums, blogs and static websites. You can also find eBooks related with search engines which will help you in understand how search engines work and what should you do for your blog content to make search engines love your content.

My recommendation for learning SEO will be forums. At SEO forums, you can keep yourself updated about modern SEO. People share the best SEO practices there. They also share what works best for them and what doesn’t. When I started my blog, I was very little familiar about search engines but I joined forums where I learned a lot and still learning. Thus forums are helping me and will help you also in learning the things which will help you in developing a successful blog.

It is Not a Bad Idea to Spend Money for Learning SEO

Bloggers mostly get reluctant in investing money but when it comes to learn SEO, you should spend money for it where it is necessary. If you get a chance to attend a meeting with any SEO expert for some money, then you must not miss that chance. Your little investment will get you to learn extremely precious things which will return your investment with a massive profit in form of your blog’s growth.

It’s Late Enough, Don’t Delay it Anymore!

If you are reading this blog post till this stage, it means that you have a blog but don’t know about importance of learning search engine optimization. To ensure that your blog posts get visibility in

search engines, you must start learning SEO instantly. Join some popular SEO forums and dedicate the maximum time for learning SEO. Remember! Your blog’s growth will greatly depend on how good you are in optimizing your content for search engines.

Guest Author:
Author Bio: This is a guest post contributed by Rehmat Alam. Rehmat is a passionate blogger, blog designer and SEO specialist from Gilgit Baltistan, Pakistan. Currently, he writes about blogging at

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